Civil and digital rights activists are targeting February 11 as 'the day we fight back' against widespread state surveillance, using the life, work and words of Aaron Swartz as motivation.

Thanks to Tuesday's elections, Hollywood will have lost six if not more House Representatives that all formerly backed SOPA, the controversial ......

The hacktivist group Anonymous had turned its sights on the Mexican government.
Earlier in the week, the group took down sites belonging ......

Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales suggested the MPAA should fire Chris Dodd over his handling of the SOPA debate.

A statement from The Pirate Bay explains how they are like the film pioneers who moved the movie industry to Hollywood.

Just 48 hours after an Internet-wide protest "blackout," congressional leaders have indefinitely postponed the SOPA and PIPA anti-piracy bills.

As you've undoubtedly noticed, today was the anti-SOPA blackout for hundreds of major sites in the U.S., most notably Wikipedia, which remains ......

The White House has released a statement which appears to indicate SOPA and PIPA, at least in their present forms, will not be signed into law.

According to the US Department of Labor, jobs and pay for independent artists, musicians, and writers have increased significantly since 1998.

US Representative Jared Polis, who is also an avid gamer and Internet entrepeneur, is urging gamers to take action against SOPA and PIPA.

Reddit has announced a protest of SOPA and PIPA. On January 18 the normal site will be replaced by links to information about the 2 bills.

After being targetted by Reddit members, Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan has officially come out saying he will vote against SOPA.

GoDaddy has got to be starting to feel the squeeze.
Two weeks ago, 37,000 domains were pulled from Go Daddy after it was revealed they were ......

GoDaddy customers outraged at the company's support for SOPA transferred 32,000 domain names to rival registrar NameCheap over a 36 hour period.

Activists from around the Internet are escalating the war against SOPA from protests to organizing campaigns to defeat legislators supporting the bill.

Although GoDaddy has paid lip service to reversing their support for SOPA, it wasn't until today that they withdrew the letter they wrote to Congress.

According to info collected by The Domains, 37,000 domains were pulled from Go Daddy after it was revealed they were formal supporters of the ......

Just a day after it was revealed as 1 of the 120 formal supporters of SOPA, Go Daddy has pulled its support from the draconian bill.
The ......

The judiciary committee and its chairman Lamar Smith have revealed the 120 formal supporters of SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act), the draconian ......

In a surprise move, The House Judiciary Committee has delayed the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) vote.
The delay seems to be thanks to the ......
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