
Google started the year pretty generously, at least if you ask Wikimedia. The search giant has given millions in a handout to the online encyclopedia.

The Turkish authorities have blocked access to Wikipedia, citing a 'smear campaign' against the country.

A new campaign on the crowdfunding site Indiegogo is looking to raise $50,000 so they can turn the online Wikipedia into a million page, 1000 book physical encyclopedia.

The Wikimedia Foundation has received correspondence from Finland's Police Ministry seeking information on its 'donation drive' activities in the country.

Wikipedia has confirmed they have begun piloting a service that sends articles via SMS (texts), with the service aimed at users in Africa and other nations where data is not as abundant.

Wikimedia has announced today that mobile editing is now enabled for the online encyclopedia Wikipedia.

Wikimedia, the parent of the Wikipedia encyclopedia, has revealed plans to offer their 25 million articles via text message.

The non-profit Wikimedia Foundation, the company behind Wikipedia, had an operating budget of just $27 million in the last fiscal year.
Operating ......

The WIkimedia Foundation has warned that if you are seeing ads on its pages, then you're likely infected by malware

Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales suggested the MPAA should fire Chris Dodd over his handling of the SOPA debate.

Wikipedia co-founder Jim Wales has posted a straw poll asking whether there is support for a "community strike" to get the word out about SOPA.

The Brin Wojcicki Foundation has donated $500,000 to the Wikimedia Foundation, the company behind Wikipedia.
Wikimedia began its annual fundraiser ......

The Wikimedia Foundation, parent of online encyclopedia Wikipedia has said this weekend that they have raised $16 million, allowing the service ......