
Apple's AirPads blew the wireless headphone market completely open. Truly wireless earbuds are now everywhere, and every single electronics ......

The United States regulatory body for telecommunication, Federal Communications Commission (FCC), has decided to create a experimental license ......

In a move to improve its coverage in rural areas around the nation, wireless giant AT&T has acquired Alltel's retail operations for $780 million.

Verizon announced this morning that it activated 6.2 million iPhones in the Q4 2012.
About half of the devices activated were iPhone 5s, ......

Verizon, in its recent 8-K regulatory filing, announced it had record smartphone activations in the Q4 2012.
The carrier saw 9.8 million ......

Verizon has begun the promotion in an effort to boost sales.
Until the 24th, Verizon is offering a $40 bill credit to anyone who purchases ......

LG U+, a subsidiary of LG, has announced this week that everyone in South Korea will now have free Wi-Fi, no matter what ISP or carrier you have.

Google has announced today that it will take a huge loss on its stake in Clearwire, the wireless internet service provider.
The company purchased ......

Get them while their hot.
Amazon Wireless has launched a new promotion that will run until the 26th.
Reads the site:
Get a $50 Amazon.com ......

The FCC has ruled this week that carriers must now offer "reasonable" data roaming rates for their networks in the U.S.
"Mobile providers ......

Gogo Inflight Wireless has released iOS and Blackberry apps today, while promising an Android app is 'coming soon.'
The apps should make ......

According to a new survey commissioned by the Wi-Fi Alliance, 32 percent of respondents admit to logging into their neighbor's unencrypted Wi-Fi ......