
Barnes & Noble, the struggling book retailer, has announced the addition of Samsung as a hardware partner for upcoming Nook tablets.

Barnes & Noble has confirmed that it has laid off a significant portion of its Nook hardware engineering division, including their VP of Hardware, Bill Saperstein, over the past few weeks.

B&N stops support for their Nook for PC and Nook for Mac apps

Barnes & Noble has announced today that it will begin shuttering stores as it moves away from retail.
"In 10 years we'll have 450 to 500 ......

Barnes & Noble and Microsoft have announced today that major publisher Pearson has purchased a stake in their joint Nook Media division.

Barnes & Noble has dropped the price of their Simple Touch with GlowLight to match up with the new ad-subsidized Amazon Kindle Paperwhite.

Barnes & Noble has upped the ante today, announcing the launch of their own video streaming business to compete with Netflix and Amazon.

In 2010, Barnes & Noble created the 7-inch low-priced media tablet market by introducing the Nook Color for $250.
Today, the company has ......

It appears that Amazon is preparing for a new line of Kindle devices, as current generation tablets and e-readers are disappearing from their ......

In a surprise move, Barnes & Noble has slashed the prices of three of their Nook e-reader and tablet devices today.
The 16GB Nook Tablet ......

Microsoft has announced a $300 million investment in Barnes & Noble's digital and college businesses.
As part of the deal, the companies ......

Barnes & Noble has introduced a new version of the Nook e-reader that will have a glow in the dark screen, allowing for night time and dark room reading.

The popular franchise is now available in multiple formats from Pottermore.
Five years after the release of the last novel and almost a year ......

According to Digitimes, Barnes & Noble has received over 1 million of the new Nook Tablets from its component suppliers.
Citing the company's ......

According to the latest poll from Harris Interactive, 15 percent of Americans currently own an e-reader while at least another 15 percent want ......

The results of a study by Harris Interactive seem to indicate the adoption of e-book readers is leading to people in the US buying and reading more books.

Barnes & Noble, the proud owners of the highest-rated dedicated e-reader, ever, are giving users even more incentive to pick up a new Nook.

According to new figures from Pew Internet Research, e-reader ownership is moving at a blistering pace, outpacing tablets.
E-reader ownership ......

Barnes & Noble has unveiled its latest e-reader today at a special launch event.
The device will be smaller (about the size of a paperback ......

Barnes & Noble has followed Amazon's recent Kindle announcement by claiming that the Nook e-reader is their best-selling item, ever, just like ......